are believed to originate from the Bootes constellation and exist in the fifth
and fourth dimensions of space and time.
Arcturians are the known supreme power in our galaxy, protecting
many civilizations from the evil agendas of other alien races. Arcturian Aliens believe in a higher state of
being and have mastered many aspects of today's modern age belief of New Age
Thinking. Arcturians have vested many of
their resources to defend Earth from the Reptilian and Grey Aliens and their
have vested many of their resources to defend Earth from the Reptilian and Grey
Aliens and their agendas. Although some
aliens have eluded capture from the Arcturians, it is said that it
is only a matter of time before they are captured. Today, the Arcturian Aliens have their most
powerful star-ship Athena orbiting between the asteroid belt and the planet
Jupiter. This Arcturian
ship has thwarted off many attacks by the Grey Aliens and Reptilians who wish
to enslave the human population of this planet.
better understand these beings, we must know and understand how they survive,
even at their most basic levels.
Reptilians, Greys, and Arcturians Aliens ingest energy for their nutrition; however,
the difference is that Arcturian Aliens ingest good forms of energy (positive
energy) while the other beings ingest evil forms of energy (negative
energy). In this constant fight to protect
Earth, Arcturians have been known to communicate with Earthly humans in
attempts to convey the importance of self-discipline, ego-less self, and other
forms of self improvement. Nonetheless,
we continue to see the vast majority of people led astray from these core
beliefs in a higher power; in part by Grey and Reptilian Agendas.
Lyrans were the original ancestors of our galactic family. Many thousands of
years ago their civilization reached a very high technological level, however
fell into disagreement and factions within their culture.
factions went to war and destroyed much of their society. Many of these beings
from Lyra (click image right), left in their star ships to colonize the
Pleiades, the Hyades, and the Vega system.
of these Pleiadians of Lyrian ancestors also came to Earth during the Lemurians
and Atlanteans period. The Lyrians now have long evolved past the conflict, or
war-like stage of evolution. These other civilizations could be looked at as
our galactic cousins.
the original human inhabitants of Lyra (who have a common origin with Terran
humanoids) were driven out of that system many thousands of years ago, some of
the present day inhabitants of the ’Lyra’ constellation are be of reptiloid
the Lyran wars which are mentioned in several ’contactee’ accounts, a mass
exodus’ of humans reportedly left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the
Hyades [which are 130 light-years from earth in the Taurus constellation], and
to Vega which is also in Lyra.
region, like our own system, is still be a ’battleground’ between saurian greys
and humans.
is the apparent epicenter of the ASHTAR or ASTARTE collective, where humanoids
of various types, Sasquatch, Reptiloids, Greys, Insectoids and
Reptilian-Insectoid hybrid species as well as cybernetic "MIB"
entities have collaborated in the past.
Sirians have waged war in the past with the Orion Empire or the "Unholy
Six" reptilian star systems in the Orion open cluster.
ancient dispute involves just who will serve as the "landlords" of a
sector of space containing 21 star systems including the most strategic star
system, SOL and particularly planet Earth, Terra or Shan -- which is a virtual
cosmic "oasis" of water, mineral, plant, animal and genetic resources
in incredible variety compared with most other worlds.
This dispute between the Sirians and Orion
Reptiloids dates back to the ancient invasion of Orion by the Draconian EMPIRE,
as a result of which many "Nordic" type humanoids escaped to Procyon,
Sol, Sirius and elsewhere.
In recent times a RIFT or SPLIT has occurred
in the Ashtar collective following the discovery of massive infiltration into the
collective by agents of the Unholy Six and Draconian EMPIRES, with many
humanoids taking sides with the FEDERATION - which has a major earth-base under
Furnace Creek, California (see map left); and many of the Reptiloids taking
sides with the Orion-Draconian EMPIRE - which has a major earth-base below
Dulce, New Mexico.
Collaboration of sorts (via the electronic collective mind which links humanoid
and reptiloid intelligences into a master mainframe via psionic implants) still
exists however, a collective-collaboration which maintains bases under Paradox,
Nevada; Dougway, Utah and near the Denver International Airport in Colorado.
war in Sirius-B is gravitating towards the Sol System, in that the opposing
agendas for this system is one of the major issues of dispute between the two
[or three] warring factions.
"During many of the Egyptian dynasties
it was quite common to have a visitation from a Sirian in the disguise of one
of their Gods...
was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran Star group
and is more advanced in a metaphysical sense."
Khul says Sirius is one of the more advanced training centers or universities
to which the Ascended Masters may travel.
path to Sirius is one of the seven paths to higher evolution that each soul
must choose upon achieving the sixth initiation and/or their ascension. The
star Sirius is known as the Dog Star, and is a member of the constellation of
Canis Major. It lies approximately 8.7 light years from Earth.
is one of the most brilliant stars that is observable in the night sky. In
thinking of Sirius, then we must think of them in terms of being a group
consciousness of both physical and non physicality. The third dimensional
Sirians visited both the Egyptian and Mayan civilizations in times past.
Sirians gave the Egyptians much advanced astronomical and medical information.
The Mayans and the Inca also had a very
personal relationship with the Syrians. Much information was shared, and it is
interesting that the Mayan race seemed to just vanish off the face of the Earth
at a certain point in their history. The Sirians left behind time capsules for
our future generations to discover, one of which was supposedly the crystal
At this time they are working with us
primarily without direct intervention. They were instrumental in helping us at
the time of Atlantis during that cataclysmic period. They also, at that time,
mixed with us genetically. Their views currently on Earth is that they will not
consider a more active partnership again, until we outgrow the tendency as a
people, to be exploitive, judgmental and manipulative.
guides also refer to Sirius as a star system where the residents are seldom
permanent residents. It is a meeting place for those who have mastered their
own planetary systems and are preparing there for further duties and missions.
They talk about it as an important way station for Earthlings who wish to
continue their spiritual development. The beings from Sirius who are visiting
Earth are very good at the practical application of very advanced theoretical
ideas that are being brought forth from other very advanced extraterrestrial
are here to ground and make usable these advanced ideas and technologies.
Sirius helped to build the great pyramids and temples of Egypt. They also
helped in the building of many of the tunnels and pathways to the Inner Earth.
They will be very involved in the future in
establishing the Golden Age on this planet.
or in some cases brunette ’Nordic’ type humans based in the Pleiadean ’Taygeta’
and other systems, which were allegedly colonized by refugees from their former
planetary abodes in the Lyra constellation which were invaded by reptiloid
entities from Alpha Draconis (Thuban).
main Pleiadean planet of ’Erra’, was reportedly ’Terra-formed’ by the Lyran
refugees [Lyra being much nearer to earth--around 30 light years].
Pleiadeans were apparently the first ’humanoid’ society to develop hyper-space
travel (the U.S. government has reportedly known how to tap-in to hyperspace
ever since the ’Philadelphia Experiments’ of the 1940’s.)
Pleiadeans claim that their technology surpasses our ’International’ technology
by about 3000 years. This may explain why the humans in Lyra were able to
travel the vast distances from this part of the galaxy to colonize the
Pleiades, some 430 light-years from Terra-Earth.
Pleiadeans consider themselves to be part of the "ANDROMEDAN COUNCIL"
based within some of the planetary systems within the Andromeda constellation.
blond inhabitants of a re-established network of subsurface antediluvian
colonies located throughout the Western States, and concentrated around Mt.
Shasta in northern California.
are sometimes referred to erroneously as ’Lemurians’ as it is believed that the
cavern cities which they re-discovered and built upon were once part of an
antediluvian(?) civilization called ’Lemuria’ (Lemuria is actually a
hypothetical lost continent in the INDIAN Ocean. The Pacific continent was called
may have loose contact with the Pleiadeans and other groups via ancient
ancestral ties, since the Telosians are earth-NATIVES who allegedly possess
interstellar vehicles, and are a western branch of the sub-International
AGHARTI network and it’s "Silver Fleet".
name ’Telos’ is a Greek work meaning ’uttermost’ or ’purpose’, yet some of the
inhabitants refer to ancient ties with neo-Mayan tribes, and therefore many of
them ’may’ possess a Greco-Mayan ancestry. Some ancient Vedic texts speak of a
collaboration between the Greeks and the East Indians -- who some believe gave
rise to the Mayas -- in the development and construction of aerial craft called
Telosians are part of a
"Melchizedek" spiritual order with connections to the Ashtar
collective-mind and have dealings with extraterrestrials in Arcturus, Sirius,
and Saturn as well as with other-dimensional beings.
extraterrestrials from Alpha Centauri vibrate and resonate on the band of
violet light. This civilization has enormous scientific and technical knowledge
that is of the highest quality in the universe.
Alpha Centaurians are very theoretical. Part of their mission on Earth is to
help raise the Earth’s scientific, technical and theoretical knowledge. Their
mission is to also find ways to make this knowledge understandable to our
society, since they are so much more advanced.
of the ways they are doing this is by telepathically linking up with some of
our most advanced scientists.
these beings are so incredibly intelligent and are of such a high vibration,
they sometimes have a difficult time grounding these ideas on the earthly
plane. The beings from Sirius are very good at bridging this gap, because they
are very good at the practical application of these ideas, and making these
theories usable for our third dimensional society.
Sirians are the workers and doers of the earth.